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The Admission process for PUST begins on 6th September

Pabna University of Science & Technology

Pabna Science and Technology University's First year admission test(2017-2018 session) form
 fill-up will be start at 6th september.The form fil-up will be continued  Until the 30th of September.
The admission test will be held on 27th October.From the Public Administration this information
 have published.It is known that ,In this year 910 students will be admitted into 21 differents
department Under Five Faculty.CSE,EEE,ICE,ETE,CIVIL,URP and ARCH department is under
 Engineering & Technology faculty.Physics,Math,Pharmecy,Chemistry,Statistics and Environment
department is under Science,Animal and Geophysical Science.Business studies,Tourisom and 
hospitality Management,Economics,Bangla,Social Work,English,History,Bangladesh studies
 Public Administration department are under Arts,Business Studies,and Social Science Faculty.

For More information of Admission Test visit : www.pust.ac.bd or pust.cloudonebd.com
To see the Admission Notice:  Click Here

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